Its our constant intent to ensure that our Organization is provided/supported with the measures to continuously enhance their respective opportunity areas that further enables them to flourish as High Potentials by being efficient not only in their functional competencies but their behavioral competencies as well.
Learning and Planning Need Analysis (TNI), as an intervention – Forms part of the structured activities used individually or in combination to identify the opportunity areas at different levels across geographies in order to improve their social or task performance.
"Structured activities" mean such diverse procedures as experiential exercises, questionnaires, attitude surveys, interviews and relevant group discussions uses assessment techniques like simulation, psychometrics, experiential exercises and questionnaires etc to assess potential, identify strengths and development needs and the end result is a well-documented individual development plan for each participant.
There are pre-defined competencies and behaviours as reference point earmarked for the respective levels that are assessed during assessments for the participants.